Man, ‘About me’ sections are tough to write. I wear a lot of hats! (And believe me, they are really fancy hats ????).
I’m a military spouse, mama and creator. Those roles have inspired me to lead a life of encouragement and advocacy in service to all the military spouses, service members and women in my life.
In 2014, I took on the position of Editor-in-Chief at — and in 2016, I purchased it. Since 2008, the legacy tagline of Devotional Diva has remained “Spurring others forward” (Heb.10:24). Over at DD, I’m extremely proud to help women around the globe share their stories of faith. I’ve made it my new mission to push back on toxic church mindsets to spur Christ’s kingdom forward.
As I shared my own journey of faith, motherhood and military life on Devotional Diva, I realized I had an opportunity to add on to that legacy of “spurring others forward.” I shifted more to video content in the age of TikTok and created my series, “Ask A Mil spouse.”
I love speaking about military life and mentoring young military spouses/families especially. “Ask a Mil Spouse” is a great way for me to scratch my speaking itch and reach military families literally all over the world. I truly believe in the power of sharing our stories.
If you had asked me 15 years ago if I thought I would be a military spouse who found true love at a young age, traveled the world, and made her own perfect little family and career, I would not believe you. This was not my plan! I’m a firm believer that military life is actually not a choice (contrary to popular belief), and this military life indeed chose me.
But that doesn’t mean anything of what I’ve achieved has been easy. Military life is so rewarding, but so very hard. And that’s why I keep on going with writing, speaking, and making content for those in the military life. Whether it’s a laugh from a silly TikTok, or an inspiring, tear-jerking essay, I hope that I even slightly improve the days of those that are giving so much to our country.
The short version or TLDR: ????
Maggie Winterton is a writer, speaker and creator from San Diego, California. As a ‘seasoned’ military spouse and mom, she hopes that sharing her experiences in military life are an encouragement to all who find themselves in this military life.
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